Getting to Know
the Churches of Christ

Our Motto, as you may have seen on our logo, is from Ephesians 4:5: “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.”

The Church of Christ strives to be a New Testament based church following the precepts and examples found in the Holy Bible. There is one Lord- Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. There is one faith- not dozens and dozens of denominations and creeds of men. That faith is what we are taught to do and believe from the Bible: that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”. There is one Baptism- being fully immersed in water as a believing, repentant adult, confessing your faith in Jesus as the Son of God. We baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The Churches of Christ are independent, autonomous congregations of believers overseen, as per biblical example, by a plurality of elders (spiritually mature men), who are to care for God’s people. We are non-denominational and call ourselves simply “Christians” with no other labels added. Many Churches of Christ only sing “a cappella”; we however employ some instruments, but without ostentation. Worship is not a spectator sport or entertainment-- it’s each of us “making melody in our hearts to the Lord”.

We believe that there is one God in three co-equal Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the miraculous gifts and healing power seen in the New Testament ceased with the completion of the New Testament, which now confirms the truth of our preaching. We believe in the power of prayer as we make our “requests known unto God”.

We observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning as witnessed in the book of Acts. We take the time to meditate on this holy communion with God, examining ourselves and dedicating ourselves to His service as we partake of the symbols of the body and blood of the Lord.

A couple other mottos of the Church of Christ are:

"In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."
• "No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, no law but love, no name but the divine."

We Believe the Basic Plan of Salvation is:

1. Hear the word of God (Romans 10:17, John 8:32)
2. Believe in Jesus as God’s Son (Mark 16:16, John 8:24)
3. Repent of past sins (Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30)
4. Confess faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:10, Matthew 10:32)
5. Be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27)
6. Remaining faithful until death (Revelation 2:10)

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History of  Milford
Church of Christ

In the beginning there was a desire to plant a church in Milford. We were unsure, scared and worried but as always, with God’s help, the seed was planted. We met in Kiwanis Youth Center for a time. Then property was found, purchased October 5th 1988 and the story begins.

We met in the Blue Hen Florist building for a few years. Once the that building was torn down, we met at Peoples Place while the permits and excavations were being done. Then the Church Builders started their work. The Church Builders were a group of men and women who traveled around the country offering their time and talents free of charge (!) to build churches.
They were all tradesmen including electricians, carpenters, drywallers, plumbers, and other volunteers. It took a lot of hard work to build a church building from scratch. One day we had over 100 men working. One man came all the way from California to help and he flew in each week to work. Their wives were there to offer support and to help clean up after each day’s work . They also helped serve lunches provided by the ladies of Milford Church of Christ. On Sunday November 23,2003, we started worshiping in the new building. Pete Short was the church planter and preached here. The Lord planted us here and here we will stay.

♥ First Time Visitor ♥

     If you are thinking about visiting us, Welcome!  Our Sunday Morning Service starts at 10:30 and lasts about an hour. We are a low-key, happy bunch. Some dress up, but most dress casually. We have a great Junior Church during the preaching. We are a Church of Christ that is "instrumental". The music is usually the hymns and traditional songs, along with a contemporary number now and then.
    The First Sunday each month we have a covered dish dinner with plenty to eat, including desserts. Our folks are your neighbors from all walks of life, races and nationalities, just like in heaven. Offerings are received without the passing of the plate and are free will, of course. We observe the Lord's Supper every Sunday like in the early Church. We hope you will enjoy worshipping with us.
     Blessings on you and your home!
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